a pair of hands holding cocao beans
industry news, video

Cocao Farmers Are Giving The Chocolate Industry An Overhaul

There’s a ton of overlap between coffee and cocao. It’s not just in drink recipes, either: both industries face widespread criticism for harmful business practices. Small wonder why terms like ‘direct trade’ and ‘blockchain’ are gaining such traction, right?

Cocao farmers in several African countries have been struggling under poverty wages and brutal working conditions for generations. Business Insider took a deep dive into a Ghanian cocao farm looking to change things from the inside out. These farmers are not just creating the raw product, but also processing and packaging it within the country. This simple change does wonders for increasing their prices, while also eliminating greedy middlemen.

With many coffee farmers leaving the industry for adjacent fields like sugarcane and cocao, here’s hoping these business changes have a positive ripple effect.

coffee, industry news

The First Coffee Chain From A Coffee-Producing Nation?

A tall order to live up to, but more than possible. Kopikalayan is an Indonesian coffee chain with their sights set on becoming a global household name.

Their biggest difference? They don’t just distribute coffee, but source it from home.

The implications of major coffee corporations being located in the West is uncomfortable at best, damning at worst. Today’s biggest coffee producers by sheer volume are Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam, yet local coffee culture has struggled. It’s hard to develop an interest in coffee when most of it is exported to other countries, right?

This article is a lengthy read, but worth every second. It breaks down key details into why several Asian nations are seeing a boom in local coffee culture and consumption. The main factors are:

– Generational shifts (namely, Millennial and Gen Z)
– Rise of the middle-class
– Growing awareness of local businesses, inequity, and sustainability
– Online trends (particularly on Instagram and TikTok)
– Rise in homebrewing during the pandemic

While some of these trends are definitely in response to increased social isolation, most shifts were bound to happen. Awareness of our impact on the planet is going to keep increasing as climate change and social inequity continues to push our collective backs against the wall.

I’m very interested in seeing where Kopikalayan goes from here.

fancy cup of coffee
coffee, industry news

An elegant coffee maker made out of gold, silver and diamonds. Sound like a recipe for good coffee?

Of course not. Doesn’t stop elitism from making the usual rounds.

A new coffee maker has emerged recently, crafted out of the finest materials money can buy. The company Royal Paris claims to bring customers back to an older time where coffee was more appreciated, offering a decadent experience that results in the best cup of coffee. Fortunately for me, I’m too keenly aware of the history of coffee growing, roasting and distribution to succumb to the hype. Sure is pretty, though!

It’s easy to overlook this story as yet more pomp and puffery from the idle elite meant to incite outrage. Last I checked, the very history of coffee itself doesn’t revolve around gilded cups, but a humble, communal experience thousands of years old! Nonetheless, stories like these should concern cafe owners and roasters. This carefully packaged artful elitism is a major issue that keeps the coffee industry from achieving great things.

When left unchecked, these mentalities rot the craft from the inside out.

Continue reading “An elegant coffee maker made out of gold, silver and diamonds. Sound like a recipe for good coffee?”
coffee, industry news

Three Great Things That Taste Great: Alcohol, Tea And Coffee Mixed Together For That Extra Kick

You don’t have to choose when it comes to enjoying the tangy pop of beer or the smooth bitterness of coffee. As the saying goes? The more, the merrier!

Drinks are just as much an experience as they are a way to wet our throat. Coffee is commonly associated with the morning rush in the West, with many working Americans having entire morning rituals around a cup of joe. Tea is commonly seen as a relaxing drink — particularly a hot mug of herbal goodness — and beer shares a similar reputation…alongside being the key ingredient to a rowdy party!

It can seem like overkill to mix all these contrasting flavors and stimulants together, but a few places are choosing to embrace this happy balance.

Continue reading “Three Great Things That Taste Great: Alcohol, Tea And Coffee Mixed Together For That Extra Kick”

coffee, industry news

A Conversation With Joe: What A Mug, Cup Or Can Of Coffee Has To Say About You

Coffee isn’t just a drink to perk you up in the morning. It’s a personality test.

One person may drink their coffee black with a nigh-religious fervor because they like to keep things simple. Others need a big dollop of sugar and milk to get it tasting right because what is life but a series of indulgences? Yet more prefer to brew at home rather than swing by their coffee shop of choice because they’re flat broke. It’s fascinating how much coffee speaks to our personality, lifestyle and interests.

Continue reading “A Conversation With Joe: What A Mug, Cup Or Can Of Coffee Has To Say About You”